Specialised Input

 You’ve shown you can do hard. Together we can find ways to make it easier

I’ve helped my own autistic son go from not managing school or socially, to thriving there, learning and having friends

I now work with parents who are ready to hope again. Let’s go beyond meltdowns and stress to easy, loving connection

get harmony


Couples Counselling

I have additional certification in couples counselling

You get:

  • Out of the cycle of conflict and challenge

  • Clear on how to help your child

  • On the road to understanding, love, acceptance and lasting change

  • To find more intimacy and connection in your relationship

  • To move forward, together or individually, on the basis of respect, kindness and clear loving boundaries

COACHING covers:
Joining our kids’ isms, following their motivations, celebrating, managing meltdowns, encouraging friendships, setting boundaries with love, diet & nutrition, sensory diet, creating games, learning together as well as self care & support network.


The emotional issues, decisions, lessons, challenges or difficulties you bring.


  • 8 x 1 hour 40 minute couples’ dialogue per week OR

  • 16 x 50 minute couples session per week

“I’m not worried so much of the time, I’m happier and more positive”

I also run zoom group programmes for (up to 12) parents of autistic children.

These run 2-3 times a year and focus on key areas like:

  • Setting Boundaries with Love

  • Sibling relationships and Friendships

 “I was able to explore some deep emotions…I’ve felt a whole lot clearer afterwards”

Get Outside - Walk & Talk Counselling

Walking and talking counselling

In person between Bath and Frome, UK OR by phone in the UK. Amazingly We can even also walk & talk remotely: in our own locations.

You might never have had a counselling or coaching session before, but most of us have been for a walk.

You ground yourself, oxygenate your brain, get vitamin D and: you’ve done some exercise that day: WIN-WIN!

Nature demonstrates letting go and rebuilding very concretely through the seasons. People brand new to counselling sometimes feel awkward sitting opposite their counsellor. Outside, we’re both looking forwards: this puts many clients at ease.

You get:

  • A walk, as gentle or vigorous as suits you, that can change your mood

  • The richness and calm that comes from immersing yourself in green space

  • The perspective of seeing yourself connected to the whole universe, out in nature

  • To explore your inner world, while exploring your outer environment. This can spark off new ideas and possibilities


  • 8 x 50 minute dialogue in nature per week

“I know I can be the anchor for my family, stay calm even when they are not”

Stay on Track: Fortnightly / Monthly Mindset Maintenance

Stay on track

You’re no longer in that place of such intense highs & lows; things are way better than

you'd imagined they could ever be. Easy, connected moments are outnumbering the

seriously stressful ones.

And still... it'd be lovely to have a way of staying on track and move forward.

You get:

  • Ongoing training in staying present, upping your celebrations, remembering our kids' behaviour doesn't mean something about us; it's OK if we lose our shit from time to time, AND: we don't have to!

  • Me rooting for you AND helping you hold yourself to account

  • Techniques to strengthen and master that feel a lot yummier and create a strong connection with our kids. And the knowledge you can use them EVEN when things feel hard.


  • 1 x 50 minute dialogue/ coaching session every 2-4 weeks

“I feel less pressure to be ‘productive’; I know that I am enough”

Get help on a budget


I believe in great counselling being available to all. Many families are on one salary, and already have increased outgoings for therapies and resources. Clients can spread sessions and payments out where that works.

“We now have a calmer home environment and improved behaviour”

Join neurodivergent Parenting Together – my free Facebook community


· Mini trainings: mindset and wellbeing boosts, and autism connection ideas: to fit into your busy life, practical to help you change things at home from today

· Solidarity and connection with other parents of autistic or neurodivergent children, people who want more for their children, and get how hard it can be at times

 You’ve shown you can do hard. Together we can find ways to make it easier

 Book a free initial call

  • Tell me what’s happening & what you want

  • If I can help, I’ll tell you how I could support you turn things around, starting now, for good

  • You decide if this is the help you want 

  • We agree start dates and payment plans if you’re ready, (or I refer you to another service/ colleague that is a better fit)

I also work with couples, groups and focus on wellbeing after burnout.

We can learn all the autism/ parenting connection techniques in the world, but when we’re too exhausted and on our knees to use them, we need to start with us.

PS: We always need to start with us!

All sessions are confidential.